2 refrigerants = 2 COOLIUS A/C service units - your advantages

Künzelsau, 11.05.2021: Just in time for the air conditioning service season, WABCOWÜRTH is once again offering its established WABCOWÜRTH Web Event.

With the event "2 refrigerants = 2 COOLIUS A/C service units - your advantages", WABCOWÜRTH would like to invite interested parties on May 19, 2021 from 12:30 - 13:15 p.m. (CET) to address the question "How can a more efficient and productive workshop utilization be achieved by using two COOLIUS A/C service units for the refrigerants R134a and R-1234yf at the same time?".

The A/C service experts will highlight for example the aspect of easy handling two A/C service units in everyday workshop work compared to one combined A/C service unit. Participants will also learn more about the technical and economical advantages, such as minimizing the risk of mixing two different refrigerants. They will also learn how additionally sales can be generated in the same amount of time. This and much more information will be provided to the participants on May 19, 2021.

Participation is free of charge and without obligation. All dates and registration information can be found at www.wabcowuerth.com/en/webevent.
